• Korewa zombie desuka


[Analysis] Amnesia Anime Episode 2

Seems like I can't write Natsumi's diary for now. I entered a seiyuu audition and I passed the first step of audition already. It's two days left before the second audition so I need to prepare myself. I'll write the second diary after my audition over. I hope I passed the audition. Please wish me luck!

Now about the second episode...

WELCOME TO THE SECOND WORLD--HEART'S WORLD..is what I wanted to say. The ending scene was taken from Shin's world, right? But well.. The heroine seemed like she aware that she moved back to 1st August--or not?

But just as I thought, Ukyou and Rika appeared yesterday XD Back to the topic, I think that she died when she fell from the cliff. Means, !Ukyou successes his mission thus recycled everything back and now, we came back in heart's world. But if that's so.. then... All the route would ended up in bad ending until they reverted everything back to Joker's world?

If the heroine aware of the time loop, then it'd be save and this Heart's event there for filling the loop hole and she might came back to the first episode world since the heart event are just another memories. If she didn't aware of it, means, well..she died for real thus caused Ukyou to move to next world lol  I thought that the Heroine's dead would be the best outcome. I mean, if she aware of the time loop then there wouldn't be any surprise.

Well, I'll see the next episode to see. 

For now, my analysis is the heroine is inside the heart's world now because she died in previous world.

Well, then.. Until my next diary!^^

[Game Comparison] Amnesia Anime Episode 1

Hello everyone. OOC-Natsumi here. How was the amnesia anime for you? I think it was good enough for starter. Well, here you can see the difference between anime and the original game. But of course, this is contain spoiler for Amnesia Games. I warned you, okay?^^

  1. The first scene showed the fire building. If you played the game, you must be remember that the heroine got trapped in the fire and went into coma. In the game, the heroine never remember the fire building until the middle of game and it was in Ukyou's route only.
  2. The heroine woke up on 4th August in the cafe. Orion said she lost her memories since 1st August and thus they were together for a few days already. Means, it was the heroine's second amnesia. In the game, the game started on 1st august, the place of her awaken is different depends on the route and the heroine got the amnesia once on the start only.
  3. The character introduction slightly different from the game. In the anime, Shin and Toma got introduced first, followed by mysterious Ukyou outside and ended by Ikki and Kent.
  4. Ikki's eyes and her memories of the parfait training session came out earlier than the original game. Thus, it made the appearance of Ikki's fanatic fans came out earlier too.
My analysis for this first episode.

I think, this is Ukyou's route. The guys aren't work in the same cafe except in Ukyou's route and I think Waka has the assassin personality lol And also, Toma said it was getting colder, then, it should be the last world because Neil supposed to be weaker by then, right?Perhaps, they'd take the important points from each route to fill the empty hole from the other world's journey. 

Judged from the ending, Ikki's confession under the starry sky, Kent's first holding hand and first patting hair, Toma's sleeping together event and the caged heroine probably would also included in this anime. But how? I wonder. I even started to think that the memories the heroine got from Ikki's parfait lesson is her memories from other world rather than the current one lol

Well, I need to watch more to see how this anime turned to be. For now, let just wait for the next amnesia episode!

P.S : Please, let her ended up with Ukyou *prays*

[Review] Amnesia Anime Episode 1

(ooc: This review contains spoiler and written with Heroine's POV. I warned you.)

Hello everyone. Natsumi here.

Today, the first journey to reclaim my memories finally started. I will tell you about it.


I don't know what happened but when I realized it, I was in a building in fire. I was running away downstairs, tried to avoid some obstacles before I stared up to the starry sky above the blazing fire.

But soon, I found my self fell into a deep..deep sea... I could see something from afar..far...far on the water surface. What it was....? I tried to reach out... But I felt my body fell even deeper. Then I heard a child voice..

Do you hear me?

The scene changed after my own eyes. I was in the middle of street, among the crowd as I waited for the green light to cross the street. I heard another voice, the same voice. He kept asking me if I could heard him. I stepped forward to cross the street...

But, I found my self in other place. I was looking at...some peoples. Two girls looked like they were serving some people, it looked like a cafe before everything faded to black.

I opened my eyes and looked at the calendar. August 4th. When I looked to my side, there was a weird boy, floated in the air with a weird clothes and horns. He was the one who kept calling me. I gasped in surprise and a girl shouted from outside if something happened. And then, a brunette walked into the room. 

It was the same girl who shouted before. She said that I fainted. I looked at her blankly as she walked out after saying that someone would take me home.  But..Who...was she.. The floating boy asked if I was okay. I just could stared at him, unable to express anything.

A few moment passed and a man with red clothes walked in. Asked me what was happened till I fainted. I looked at him, again...I didn't know who was he. He looked really worried yet I was busy with my own thought. He said that he'd take me home but he talked rather harsh. I couldn't help but obediently said yes. He repeated my words but I had no idea what kind of expression he had while doing it. 

Just before he could say more, another man walked in. He asked if I was fainted. The first man addressed him as 'Toma'. Toma said that 'Sawa' called him and he came here to take me home. He asked if I was okay and if I hurt anywhere. He looked so kind and caring yet...I didn't know who was he... The first man scolded me for spacing out too much and Toma stopped him from being rude and told him that he shouldn't be that hard even if he was really worried. And Toma called the first man as 'Shin'.

Toma said if we should dropped by the hospital before going home. I nodded in agreement but soon, I heard the floating boy's voice. He said that going to hospital was a bad idea. I looked around to see him but I couldn't see him anywhere. He said that I shouldn't go to hospital because it'd be troublesome and I should just hide everything by saying I was too tired and sleepy. Shin asked if I wanted to go to the hospital but then I said no. Shin snapped and asked which one, going or not. And I told him that I didn't need to check myself in the hospital since I was just sleepy and tired. I wanted to go home. Shin was going to scold me again but Toma interfered and said that they'd walk me home.

Along the way, Toma was being considerate. He was worried if we walked too fast. I shook my head to tell him I was okay. Toma said it was getting colder and Shin complained that it was way too cold even though it was still in August. Toma said he thought it might be because of rainy days but felt like the summer passed and turned into Autumn.

Toma then asked about Shin's prep school. Shin calmly said that he left early. Toma asked if it was okay to do that but Shin coldly said that he'd do whatever he wanted to do whatever Toma said. Toma said that Shin wasn't a cute little brother at all but Shin objected and said that Toma wasn't his older brother.  Toma said that Shin never changed since we were kids. I smiled slightly. Honestly, I couldn't understand what they're talking about. I wonder if I was really their acquaintance? I couldn't remember... I couldn't remember..anything at all. I didn't know who they were.. But not only that...I...

Shin called me, knowingly I was left behind. I ran to catch them but then Shin stopped me, asked where was I going. I looked at him confusedly and Toma pointed a house nearby. My house. Shin said I was spacing out too much and Toma worriedly asked if I was okay to be alone. He said that they could stay for more. Shin objected, said that Toma was being too soft and Toma replied that Shin being too spartan. I couldn't keep the conversation with them so I told them that I was fine and I'd sleep right after I reached my  room. I thanked them for walked me home.

Toma still worried and asked me again. I nodded but Toma seemed like he wouldn't let me go at all. Then. Shin dragged him away. Toma said that I should call him if I need something before he told me to sleep well. I looked at the two of them from afar. They were nice persons...right?

I spaced out after I went through the front door, unable to do anything since I couldn't even remember anything. And then, the floating horned kid appeared again. He knew that I couldn't remember a thing and helped me. (?)

In my room, the floating boy explained that I lost my past memories in August and we were already together ever since. He said that he'd explain all. He introduced himself as Orion, the spirit from another world. He said that I was the only one that could see and hear him. He asked why was I looking at him blankly like an ignorant. He said that I was like that too when the first time we met. 

Then he said.. It was his fault that I lost my memories. He said that he was shocked when he arrived at this world for the first time and bumped into me. The result of it.. He accidentally knocked out all of my memories. He awkwardly said that he also troubled by that fact. But soon, he apologized for breaking my memories.

I asked him why I couldn't go to hospital. He said that it was impossible since I wasn't lost my memories with normal circumstance. He said it would be okay if I found someone to trust but right now.. I didn't even know who I really am... Not even a little bit.


Shin and Toma were walking together and talked about her. Toma was worried if she was really okay for the work tomorrow. Shin said that they should observe for now and he told Toma to take care of her in the workplace too.

Back at my room, Orion explained that the one who brought me back home were Shin and Toma. They were my workmates and also my childhood friends. I looked through my phone book. There were a few names inside. "Shin", "Sawa", "Toma", "Mine", and "Meido no Hitsuji". Orion also didn't know why I had no further data inside. But at least, I found my workmates so it was okay, Orion assured me. I looked at the picture of me and probably, my workmates. I couldn't remember anything afterall.

Orion asked if I remembered something else about my lost memories. But I couldn't remember any single thing. Would I find my lost memories someday?

Orion told me to take a break and rest already and so, I did as he said.


A green haired man stood next to a lamp street, his eyes fixed on her balcony. As she turned off the light, the man laughed, almost insanely and broke the silent night.

Orion woke me up in the morning and told me that I had a part-time shift today. Orion looked relieved to see me fine. He said that I looked more calmer than before. He assured me that I could count on him on everything since I might get scared with no memories and no one I knew around. He told me to do my best, together. I thanked him. Without him, I might lost even more after all. 

I was late to the part time so he told me to run fast.


A group of girls looked crowded in front of the cafe. They were talking to a man in sunglasses until the man said that he must go for his shift. He walked down the stairs to Meido. The girls whined, called him 'Ikki' and said that they'd go to the cafe. Soon, the heroine walked passed the crowd and walked down the same stairs. From a far, there were three girls, looked at the heroine as she rushed to work.


In the cafe,  I had a briefing with a blue haired workmate and a manager. The manager told me to work hard or he'd kill me with his own hand.

My workmate called me, asked if I was okay. I said I was fine as I looked at him. His pupil became smaller for a while and I was just stood without a clue and thanked him. He kept looking at me but when the clock rang, The manager called him as "Ikkyu" and asked him for a moment. He gave me a good luck before walked away for his job.

Orion said that he called "Ikki" and he was a very shady good looking guy. Then, customers opened the door and I greeted them. "Irrashaimase" was what I said but Orion said that it should be "Okaerinasaimase, Goshujinsama". Manager was looking at me with a killer aura and soon i revised my greetings earlier and led them to their seat while Ikki was serving three girls.

The customer was asking for Maid's special parfait. I walked behind the counter and Ikki said that he'd do the cake and tea. I was standing there, didn't know what to do. Ikki told me that Parfait supposed to be my job because it supposed to be Maid's special. I became anxious, I didn't know anything afterall. I was just looking around for whatever. Ikki looked at me and asked if I was forget about it already. Orion sounded worried if Ikki'd do anything weird. But Ikki told me how to make the parfait again. But then, something flashed in my mind.

I was sitting down between Ikki's arms which stood behind me while taught me how to make the parfait. He was too close.. Too close... With that a piece of memory, I blushed red. Ikki asked if I was okay and I jolted as I moved back, accidentally knocked some of glasses for parfait. Quickly, I cleaned it up but the shard wounded my finger. Ikki took my wounded hand, as three girls from earlier looked at us. Ikki said to follow him to the back side and I followed him obediently.

Ikki warped bandaids in my hand, gently but tightly to stop the bleeding. We stayed in silent as Ikki looked at me before he said that it wasn't work on me. Before I could ask, the door of the staff room opened and a man in green coat walked in. Ikki called him "Kent" and Kent greeted us. Ikki had job to do so he chose to leave first. 

I thanked Kent for helping me putting back the first aid kid. Kent asked if I was the one who made the Pauli effect on the glass. I couldn't understand what he was talking about and he started to explain pauli effect was a term referring to the apparently mysterious 'anecdotal' failure of technical equipment in the presence of certain people. He said that it was taken from Wolfgang Pauli who always destroyed something with just simply being there. It was too long and theoretically to the point it made Orion sick. But in the end, Kent said that it'd be better if I went home and took a good look of my wounds. I made an excuse by saying it was nothing and I'd be fine but for some reason I couldn't tell him straight and made him thought something else. I was worried if he was angry but soon, Kent said that if I wanted to keep on working then they'd back me up and he'd be with me to talk everything to the manager. So, he was being silent to think what I need to say.

Then, I came back to work. I was hurriedly to walk and ended up stumble but Ikki was being fast and caught me gently. 

He told me to be more careful before we parted way, with the same three girls looked at us. Me and Ikki worked as waiter and waitress while Kent handled the kitchen as the chef until the cafe closed. Orion congratulated me for doing the best and he cheered me up to do even better next time as we walked back home.

As I arrived at my home, I opened my mail box and found my picture, but someone streaked my face. Then, the three girls from earlier walked to my direction. They called me 'traitor'. One of them said that I wasn't keeping my promise as she stomped on my picture. I shocked. And there, another memories came into my sense.

Someone took a scissor from a bag and slowly, cut down my hair. I turned my head then... 

I gasped as I snapped back to reality. My whole body was shaking with cold sweats rolled over my face. I felt my legs couldn't even hold my own weight before slowly I fell... And everything faded to black once again.


Today was really something. I wonder what was the promise I made? What was Ikki said when he said it didn't work on me? Who to trust? What was right? Who were those girls? I hope I could find my answer soon.

Let's see what would happen on my next journey.

Anime Trailer?

Hello, good morning. 

I'm Natsumi 

How are you all?
It's really cold lately, right? 
Please keep your self warm and take care yourself okay?
Have you watch this?

Interesting, right?

This is the official trailer for my anime journey to recollect my memories.

Well, I already tried to recollect my memories in the official game's world before and I have my own thought about anime world's journey.

My first question...

Why am I having no name? 

In that video, they introduced me as "Heroine".

I know that I have no default name but don't you think they're cruel? Is it mean that people will called me "Hey, you" forever? *sighs*

Now, let's moving to another issue.

The first scene on that video showed me woke up in the cafe.

Is it mean that Anime's world journey will be different with the Game's Journey?

Well, I don't know the answer too so let's wait the show begin shall we?

It's just...12 days left until my journey start!

See you later



This is my first post for this blogs. 

U--umm.. You see, I lost my memories on 1st August and now, I'm waiting for the anime to be aired right time to start on recollecting my memories. 

Orion said that I should try to write down everything single things that I could remember. So, this is why I started to do this. But shh.. Don't tell Orion. He said that I must keep my amnesiac state as a secret though. But I guess, the more people help me, the merrier, right?

So, until that right time come, then I'll be start writing something randoms in here. Please enjoy your stay with me, Okay?

And now..

16 days left before my journey start!

Let's do our best!


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